Natalie is Stalking and Harassing Josh's Female Workers

 The second season of 90 Day: The Last Resort will mark the final chapter in the tumultuous relationship between Natalie Mordovtseva and Josh Weinstein.

Their relationship, which began with high hopes, has ultimately fallen apart after the couple therapy they received on the spin-off show. The tension between them reached a breaking point, leading to their decision to unfollow each other on Instagram. Josh, the Founder and CEO of Preview Models, a modeling agency based in Los Angeles, has finally realized that it's time to stop playing games with Natalie and using their relationship for exposure. On the other hand, Natalie also used Josh to appear on multiple seasons of the show, and he was helping her and her mother financially off-screen, as the Ukrainian struggled to manage her life since her split from her American husband, Mike Youngquist, who is now happily dating another woman.

Despite Josh's desire to cut ties with Natalie after the second season of The Last Resort, Natalie was not willing to let go of their friendship, which had mostly benefited her. She began to stalk Josh both online and offline, harassing any young, beautiful female she saw near him. This behavior further strained their relationship and made it clear that they could no longer remain friends.

A woman named Calie recently commented on a post related to Natalie and Josh shared by 90 Day fiancé fan page "therealitytvmess", claiming that Natalie started rumors about her, telling everyone that she was Josh's new girlfriend, while she was just one of his employees. Calie added that Natalie stalked and harassed her, describing her as the crazy lady from the movie "Fatal Attraction."

It's unlikely that we'll see Natalie Mordovtseva on any 90 Day Fiancé spin-offs anytime soon. However, there are rumors circulating that she might join the cast of another reality TV show called House of Villains. This show brings together some of reality TV's most notorious personalities, and Natalie's dramatic presence would certainly fit right in.