Natalie Mordovtseva lands her first acting role

 Despite her messy personal life, 90 Day Fiancé star Natalie Mordovtseva remains determined to achieve her dreams of becoming a famous actress and model in the United States. Her journey has been anything but smooth, yet she continues to push forward with unwavering resolve.

Natalie has been actively pursuing modeling gigs, and her efforts seem to be paying off. Thanks to her friend and former boyfriend, Josh Weinstein, who owns a modeling agency, she has landed multiple modeling jobs. Her Instagram is filled with posts showcasing her work, indicating that she is doing well in this department.

However, breaking into Hollywood has proven to be more challenging. Natalie has been trying hard to secure a movie role, but luck hasn't been on her side. Recently, though, there has been a glimmer of hope. 

According to one of her Instagram stories, Natalie has finally landed a role in a play called "Spike Heels." She shared a glimpse of her rehearsals at the theater, captioning it with the hashtag #actinglife. This role marks a significant step forward in her acting career, and her fans are eager to see how she performs on stage.

While her professional life shows promise, Natalie's personal life remains complicated. She is still entangled in a messy situation with her ex-husband, Mike Youngquist. Despite their separation, Natalie refuses to sign the divorce papers that Mike has filed. Her reluctance stems from her concerns about her residency status; without a green card, she fears deportation. This ongoing issue has added a layer of stress to her already tumultuous life.

Natalie is considering joining the upcoming new season of The Single Life once again as part of a fake couple with Josh Weinstein. While this might give her more exposure and opportunities, many fans are fed up with her constant presence on the 90 Day Fiancé franchise. They wish she would move on with her life instead of bringing more contrived storylines and drama to their favorite reality TV show.