Debbie asks for help and gives an update about her life in Canada with Tony

 Debbie Johnson from 90 day fiancé season 6 and the single life was looking for help from her fans on Instagram, as she gave them an update about her relationship with her Canadian lover Tony Starcevich.

On 90 Day Fiancé season 6, Debbie had a rocky relationship with her daughter-in-law Larissa Lima. On the other hand, Debbie and her son Colt had an unusually close bond. Things began to change, however, as Colt's new girlfriend Vanessa helped him to see the toxicity of his relationship with his mom. Debbie realized she needed to find love after Colt married Vanessa Guerra. She hadn't dated anyone since Harley Johnson died 13 years ago. Through a friend, she met Tony, a Canadian man.
Debbie knew she wanted to be with Tony for the rest of her life. But there was a catch. She'd have to leave her life in the United States behind. Colt's mom is taking her move to Canada seriously, according to her most recent Instagram post.

Based on her recent Instagram post, it looks like Debbie is having troubles getting her permanent resident card in Canada. It's a common problem to have nowadays, when moving to a new first world country, because the immigration applications overcome the understaffed immigration government offices, which causes a delay in providing everyone with their residency cards.

In her post's caption, Debbie wrote:" Help if you can. Please message me asap. Thank you for any information you can give me". Colt's mom was looking for a cheap, or a free way to help her get her permanent residency card fast, so that she can finally stop stressing about it.

It's not surprising that Debbie and Tony have managed to stay together, unlike many of the franchise's newer couples. On the single life, the pair had a lot of chemistry between them, despite Debbie thinking that Tony's home was a little creepy, because of the gothic decoration. Debbie might have missed her Life in Las Vegas, where she shared a home with Colt and their numerous cats, but now, she's satisfied with her life in Canada, and wants to spend the rest of her new life living there with Tony.