Shekinah destroys a 90 day fiancé fan who called her a bad mom

 Shekinah Garner is a new face in the 90 Day Fiance universe, and she's currently learning the hard way that being in the public eye isn't always all rainbows and butterflies. What's interesting about Shekinah is that each time a fan or a blogger say something wrong about her, the reality tv star jumps straight into the conversation, and clears her name by stating facts. This happened again last week, when a 90 day fiancé fan called her a bad mom, in the comments section of a social media post that was about her.

The former Amish American and her Turkish boyfriend, Sarper Guven, were introduced to the viewers on the fifth season of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. Shekinah left her home in Los Angeles for a new life in Turkey with Sarper, which means that the 41 year old had to leave her teenage daughter, Sophia, in the United States, where she attends boarding school.

Many 90 day fiancé fans love to express their opinions about the cast members, and recently, many of them were upset that Shekinah was starting a new life in Turkey without her daughter, and they made sure to let Shekinah know about it in the comments section of her social media posts.

A couple of days ago, the TLC star uploaded an Instagram Instagram Story, in which, she posted a screenshot of a social media comment from a hater, who labeled her a terrible and disgusting mother, for relocating to Turkey with Sarper and leaving her daughter Sophia behind.

The 90 day fiancé fan was so rude and unnecessarily harsh on Shekinah. She could've expressed her opinion in a more respectful way, however, things have always been like that on social media, and that's how bullies and keyboard warriors like to express themselves.

Shekinah clapped back at the hater, and confessed to her that she raised her daughter by herself as a single mother, despite her financial struggles. The 41 year old also revealed that she had to work multiple jobs to provide her daughter everything she needs. She also gave her attention, care and love which helped them to develop and have a great mother daughter relationship. About the long distance and being far from each other, this was Shekinah 's reply:" I don't see her any less now being with Sarper than I did before because we have to abide by school breaks. Your accusations are so off base, I hope you think twice before you judge someone you don't know".

Despite the criticism and the online hate, it appears like Shekinah and Sarper are still going strong, based on their Instagram activity. They won't get married anytime soon though, because they have decided that they don't need a government legal document to prove to the world that they love each other.