Kris answers to 90 day fiancé fans who are calling her an addict

 Kris Foster has been accused many times of being a drug addict, and the 90 Day Fiance The Other cast member has finally decided to speak out about it to clear her name. It's true that many in her family were addicts and maybe still, including her mother, brother and son. However, that doesn't mean that she's an addict in this day of age just because she does act like one on the reality tv show, which is known for scripting events to create more drama.

Kris was introduced to 90 Day Fiance viewers alongside her wife, Jeymi Noguera, during Season 4 of The Other Way. Kris' plot was exhausting from the start, with her neck and back discomfort, narcolepsy diagnosis, night terrors, legal issues back home in the United States, and her constant need for pain medicine.

Kris' actions throughout during the whole season, prompted many 90 Day Fiance viewers to believe he is a drug addict. Some speculated that Kris relocated to Colombia to live with Jeymi in order to have better access to opioids, while others accused her of being addicted to dope while filming and thought the arm bands she wore in one scene indicated she was an intravenous drug user who's trying to hide the needle marks.

A curious 90 day fiancé fan on Instagram, went straight the point and asked Kris:" there's a bunch of people over in Jeymi's posts talking about you being an addict. Any response to that?". The 40 year old from Alabama decided that it's time to clear and her name and wrote a long post addressing the hate that she's getting online from people who watch the show and also how much she's been suffering from multiple health problems.

Kris also stated that on her social media pages, she always block online trolls and haters who leave mean and hateful comments about her and her family.

Kris also stated that on her social media pages, she always block online trolls and haters who leave mean and hateful comments about her and her family. She also wrote other long comments where she defended her life choices and praised her achievements, informing the 90 day fiancé fan that she has two homes, two automobiles, and three jobs, and that both of her kids are educated and have cars. Kris explained that her life does not fit with that of a drug addict, pointing out that she has created a charity and travels the country to help families in need.

Kris made everyone dislike her even more when she abused her wife in the finale and pushed her away so hard because she wouldn't stop talking. It all started when Jeymi raised her voice, resulting in a heated altercation between the two ladies. Kris screamed at her and declared that their relationship was ended. When producers urged Jeymi to get in the car with Kris to leave, Kris grabbed her wife and shoved her. Kris and Jeymi's storyline has been the most dramatic on 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way season 4.