90 Day Fiancé: Darcey shows off her natural beauty in a photo with a friend

 Darcey Silva is known for uploading extensively manipulated photos on social media, but she recently surprised 90 Day Fiancé followers by showing off her uncommon filter-free look.

Darcey Silva of 90 Day Fiancé revealed her true self in an unfiltered Instagram tagged photo. The 48-year-old Connecticut native has been on TLC since 2017 and has always enjoyed uploading modified photos of herself on social media. Despite makeup and cosmetic operations, the Darcey & Stacey star has been controversial for utilizing artificial filters, even after her recent significant plastic surgery procedures.

While Darcey Silva of 90 Day Fiancé enjoys photoshopping and applying various effects to enhance her beauty, she recently featured in a friend's photo with no filters.

Darcey and her male companion clutched each other as they grinned at the pink neon-lit cameras. Darcey's buddy praised her and Stacey Silva for "everything" in the photo, which was taken at a launch night event. The Connecticut-based reality actress looked stunning in her unfiltered photo, which highlighted her natural smile and dimples.

The photographs from the inaugural event drew a lot of attention from 90 Day Fiancé fans. A user on Instagram showered the photos with heart-eye emoticons. Another user spilled many heart emojis to express their feelings about Darcey showing her real self. Someone another commented that Darcey appears to be really happy in the photo and that she "definitely has an unquestionably attractive smile." The admirer remarked that it's nice to see the 48-year-old reality star in such good spirits and health in her no-filter shot.

Fans on Instagram enjoyed the post for a variety of reasons, one of which appears to be Darcey's absence of exaggerated photo effects. The number of likes and comments on the photo suggests that the 90 Day Fiancé franchise veteran could become even more popular if she stops manipulating her photos and starts exposing her natural self on social media. While Darcey, like every other 90 Day Fiancé cast member, will always have detractors, she may enhance her reputation by embracing her beauty and displaying the true consequences of her plastic operations. Darcey continues to receive suggestions that she should look more like herself rather than strive to look unidentifiable.

Darcey looks wonderful in both photoshopped and unfiltered photographs, yet she's almost 50 years old. Her scores of plastic operations, as well as her fitness, have enabled her to carry herself well over the years. Nonetheless, it would be ideal if the 48-year-old single mother stopped having cosmetic treatments and stopped changing herself. It would not only offer her much-needed time to heal, but it will also allow her to experiment with beauty and clothes. But if Darcey wants to improve her physical appearance, hopefully most 90 Day Fiancé viewers will be supportive.