If you have read our last article, you would know by now that Yve Arellano and Mohamed Abdelhamed from 90 Day Fiancé season nine are having some serious marital distress, following the public release of a set of screenshots last week, showing long conversations between Mohamed and a mystery woman who decided to do the right thing by Eve and exposed her Muslim Egyptian husband for the cheater he is.

Last week screenshots, exposed Mohamed master plan, which is leaving Yve and starting a new life alone or with the mystery woman who he's been speaking with. And this was supposed to happen as soon as he gets his work permit and the green card. He also admitted that he doesn't even love his wife anymore and was having a feeling resentment sitting home all day taking care of her special needs son Tharan and finally he revealed that he couldn't wait to leave this nightmare. Beside that, he has no will of paying his share to help out with the rent and utilities once he starts working legally and wants Yve to continue fully supporting him financially, thinking that she's too old and not worthy of his future income, so she should pay him just for being with her.
All of this proved that the viewers were right all along, Mohamed is just another Love rat who is only in it for the easy money and to move to the United States to eventually get his green card and start a new life, it was never about building a life and a family with Yve.
The woman who's been talking to Mohamed is still anonymous, she's basically a catfish who faked that she was interested in him just to discover his real motives, some people have a lot of free time I guess. Whatever she did to reveal this scandal, we can't really call her a homewrecker because if not with her, then Mohamed would have cheated anyway with other women.
Many Viewers thought that the catfish was one of Yve's best friends from her squad, but more screenshots were released showing that she's a totally different person who never me or contacted Yve in her life until lately.
In the new screenshots, the catfish revealed more drama about the Egyptian youngster, saying that he was so whiny all the times because Yve was broke and couldn't give him enough money to buy a sport shorts and an Apple watch. Hence, she had to send him 50 dollars so he could pay for one, and later he sent her a picture from the gym of him lifting weights and wearing the new shorts. She also said that Yve was so suspicious of him talking to other women all the times, and had to install security cameras inside the house that record both video and audio to make sure that he's being faithful.
It would appear that Yvette, who is a full time doctor of Oriental Medicine, never really trusted her Egyptian husband, and at some point, she started to stalk him outside with her car, even during his short trips to Starbucks, just to be sure that he isn't speaking with other women.
We feel that more screenshots are on the way, and some of the viewers on Reddit did mention that the catfish will be on a 90 day fiancé podcast soon to tell the full story. Meanwhile, we are sure that Yve saw the screenshots and probably confronted her Egyptian husband about the emotional cheating and the couple may get a divorce in the next couple of months, unless she forgives him and he stops being childish and starts acting like a responsible family man.