90 Day Fiancé: Top Five 90 day fiancé quotes that are hard to forget

 90 day Fiancé viewers who have been watching the show since season 1 and all of its spinoffs, could never forget the most memorable quotes that some of the cast members have said, mostly in a moment of anger when they were having some heated discussions with their significant others. For this list, we will be looking at the most outrageous and quotable lines ever uttered on a TLC reality tv show.

1-Don't terrorize me with your pregnancy:

Since he entered the 90 day universe, Andrei brought plenty of drama with a capital D.  He's always almost armed with a defense or an excuse and never shy to say what is on his mind. During an infamous discussion with his wife Alizabeth, she expressed her worries about him being unemployed, and suggested that he can ask her father Chuck for a job. So Andrei got so offended and told her to not use the attending birth of their child to scare him into taking some action.

2-He just changed the whole history of our future:

When Angela deem and Michael appeared in one of the tell all episodes, the producers showed a clip of the Nigerian fiancé talking to his friends back home and describing Angela as his "elder". A split second after the Georgian native heard that comment, she felt so upset and left the studio in full rage for a while. Later she came back and went full offense on poor Michael ilesanmi and mentioned that they were done for good. But we all know that was not a serious breaking up between the two because we saw them together in another season later on.

3-You gotta cut it on a bias babe:

Darcey visited Jesse in his home country Netherlands to get to know him better. While cooking a dinner for her two daughters who were coming to visit that night, she started to cook a steak, and rapidly things got heated between the two. Who knew a slice of meat could cause a problem in a relation, the couple kept arguing about the right way to cut a cooked steak and Jesse became so salty and left the kitchen as Darcey kept reminding him that she was the more experienced in this because she worked in a restaurant when she was younger. 

4-What you say?!

In one of the most explosive fights on a 90 day fiancé season to date, Pedro goes head to head with his wife Chantel's brother River, tension has been brewing between the two before this particularly heated dinner. After River lashed out a few offensive blurred words, Pedro lost it and started screaming at him "what you say?!" repeatedly, just after that a physical altercation has started between the two and both of their families and the filming crew members were needed to stop the fight.

5-Who is against the queen will die:

From the moment she landed in the Las Vegas airport, Larissa had to make a scene, asking Colt why he didn't bring any flowers for her. After days of having feuds with her man and his mom, and during a barbecue at her fiancé's cousin's house, Larissa got irritated by the cousin judgmental and racist comments about her and she left the backyard where everyone was sitting and screamed at him to not come to her wedding and affirmed that who will dare to speak against her will die.